Cake Mixing Ceremony Begins at Quantum University

The Cake Mixing Ceremony – an old-age tradition where loads of dry fruits, nuts, grains, and spices are combined to form a mixture, began at Quantum University at an early stage. Various kinds of liquor were poured over the mixture to enhance its taste and were further stored for cake preparations for Christmas night.

Cake Mixing Ceremony is a tradition to mark the arrival of Harvest season. The mixture tends to follow a belief that it will bring another abundant year for the people. Sharing the same belief, VC Quantum University Roorkee, Dr. Vivek Kumar along with the faculty members celebrated the cake-mixing ceremony on 19th December. During the Ceremony, faculty members spread the message of togetherness while mixing cashew nuts, almonds, black raisins, pistachios, walnuts, cinnamon, cloves, mace, rum, brandy, whisky, wine, honey, candied fruit, cherries, black currants, dates, figs, and prunes.

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