Interesting Presentation on Stock Trend Analysis

The Department of Commerce, School of Graduate Studies, Quantum University, organized a “Stock Trend Analysis” presentation on Thursday, 14th October 2021.

Govind Singh, Assistant Professor, Quantum University, gave the presentation. He explained in detail how to do fundamental and technical analysis of a particular stock. The presenter also showed the importance of chart analysis, the significance of different candles, and the usage of indicators.  

The students learned about EPS, P/E Ratio, PEG ratio, P/B ratio, ROE, Dividend Payout Ratio, etc. The students were amazed to know the patterns that can indicate future price trends or direction. They also realized the power of data interpretation to make a short or long-term investment in the stock market. Most of them liked the story of the animated monkey as it clarified their confusion about the stock market.

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