Quantum Univesrity All Set To Conduct a Poster-Making Activity on Go Green

Quantum School of Business, Quantum University is conducting a poster-making activity on the theme of “Go Green” on 28th March 2023 on campus.

The objective of this activity is to promote environmental sustainability and create awareness among the students, faculty, and staff members about the need to protect our planet. The students from all streams can participate and will be given various art supplies and a blank poster board to create posters that depict their ideas and messages on the importance of protecting the environment.

The participants will be judged based on their creativity, relevance, and impact of their posters on the audience. The Go Green poster-making activity is an initiative to encourage students to become more conscious and responsible towards the environment. It is an opportunity for everyone to showcase their creativity, spread awareness about the importance of protecting the planet, and contribute towards a sustainable future.

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