Quantum University Organized An Expert Lecture on “Academic Research and Societal Needs”

Department of Civil Engineering, Quantum University, Roorkee organized an Expert Lecture on ” Academic Research and Societal Needs: Experiences from Mechanics is Geo-, Bio- and Meta-Materials ” where the eminent speaker Dr. Anil Misra, Professor of Engineering Mechanics in the Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Department of the University of Kansas, Lawrence headed the program.

The lecture started with a discussion with the students of B.Tech 2nd, 3rd & 4th year on the topic where Dr. Anil shared his knowledge of Mechanics in Geo-, Bio- and Meta-Materials, and their implementation in the context of academic research. He spoke about topics covering both basic and applied aspects of mechanics of particle and atomistic methods, multi-scale modeling, constitutive behavior, micro-macro correlations, and multi-modal material characterization using high-resolution techniques. He correlated their ideas with the Upanishad and Vedas to make students focused and ethically stronger.

The session was a delightful experience for the students who learned the concepts of the mechanics of geomaterials, interfaces, and biomaterials and acknowledged the valuable advice of Dr. Anil. Thank you Sir for taking the time to share your thoughts with our students and teaching them the wisdom of your subject. Your knowledge truly captivated the students.

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