Seven Cs Lecture on Effective Business Communication

The Department of Commerce & Finance, School of Graduate Studies, Quantum University, organized a Lecture on “Effective Business Communication” on Friday, 17th September 2021.

Vaibhav Gupta, Assistant Professor, was the Speaker of the event. He explained the seven Cs of communication straightforwardly. The seven Cs are – clarity, correctness, conciseness, courtesy, concreteness, consideration, and completeness. These seven principles are considered very important for effective written and spoken communications.

The students learned that poor internal communication causes misunderstandings regarding roles, responsibilities, or priorities, leading to interrupted workflows, missed deadlines, poorly executed projects, and other costly oversights. They also learned that effective communication alone could improve up to 10% overall operational coordination and employee satisfaction.

According to a recent study, more than 85% of the time, ineffective communication was the main reason for workplace failures. It was found that poor communication costs companies crores of rupees per year. The research was done on both mid-size and large companies. On the other hand, effective communication can accomplish business objectives and goals while avoiding costly mistakes.

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