Engaging Series of Events to Mark the Beginning of National Nutrition Month

The Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, School of Health Sciences, Quantum University, organized a series of events to celebrate this month as National Nutrition Month.

On the very first day of September, the department organized a quiz competition. The theme of the event was “Eating Smart, from the Start.”

On the 4th, the department carried out a tree plantation activity. Dr. Gulshan Chauhan from the School of Technology, Quantum University, was the guest invited.

On the 7th, the department arranged a guest lecture on google meet on “Healthy Eating in the Time of Stress.” The speaker was Mrs. Anshu Mehra from IAPEN Meerut.  

In India, September is celebrated as the National Nutrition Month. The theme for this year is – “Feeding Smart, Right from Start.” The month is dedicated to nutrition and healthy diet to encourage people to develop healthy habits to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle.

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