Quantum University Hosts Guest Lecture on ‘HIV & AIDS Awareness’

The School of Health Sciences at Quantum University is proud to announce a Guest Lecture on ‘HIV & AIDS Awareness’ on 6th January. This event is aimed at educating the community about the dangers of HIV and AIDS, as well as raising awareness about the importance of prevention and early detection.

We are honored to have Mr. Kamal Tyagi, HIV Counsellor at CHC, Fatehpur, as our guest speaker for the event. Mr. Tyagi is a highly respected expert in the field of HIV and AIDS, and we are confident that his lecture will be both informative and engaging.

Students will have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in HIV and AIDS research, as well as gain a better understanding of the disease and its impact on individuals and communities. We encourage everyone to attend this important event and help us raise awareness about this critical health issue.

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