Quantum University’s Guest Lecture on “Industry Insights” Ends on High Note – Imparts Fresh Perspectives for MBA Freshers

There was excitement in the air as our Guest Lecture on Industry Insights, Current Business Landscape, and Potential Career Paths unfolded at Quantum School of Business, Quantum University, Roorkee.

With the purpose to empower our new MBA students with industry wisdom, the event exceeded all expectations. Esteemed speaker Mr. Deepmani Mishra, COO at Avanti Bufa Pvt Ltd delved into the heart of today’s business world, sharing invaluable insights into market demands and the attributes that spell success.

There were plenty of ideas that were exchanged during the lecture, demonstrating how relevant the lecture was to our eager students. The event’s climax was the lively Q&A round, a vibrant canvas of interaction and knowledge exchange.

With every question addressed, understanding deepened, sparking inspiration and enrichment. The Guest Lecture wrapped up on a high note, equipping attendees with fresh insights and renewed outlooks.

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