Nutrition Fiesta Organized under Dharohar’s Edge to Celebrate the “International Year of Millet” at Quantum University

On 7th April, Quantum University hosted an intra-university competition “Nutrition Fiesta” under Dharohar 2023’s Edge – The Project Expo. The competition saw the participation of students from different departments forming eleven teams, each consisting of two members. The theme for the competition was “Celebrating the International Year of Millet”.

The teams showcased their creativity by using millet in various ways to prepare sweet and savory dishes. The winners of the competition were Reshu Karnwal and Taruna Mondal from B.Sc. N&D 2nd year, and the runner-ups were Priyanshi Singh and Neha Choudhary from M.Sc. N&D 1st year. All the participants gave their best and showcased their culinary skills in the competition.

The competition was a great platform for the students to showcase their talent and learn about the health benefits of millet. All the participants put in their best efforts, making it a tough competition for the judges. Quantum University’s Dharohar 2023 event was a huge success and added another feather to its cap.

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