An Inspiring Talk on “Armed Forces, not a Career, its Life” To Be Presented at Quantum University

On 15th March, Quantum University in association with The Genesis, QUIC is hosting a Motivational Talk on “Armed Forces, not a Career, its Life.” This talk will feature the experiences of Wing Commander Vikrant Uniyal, who will be the guest speaker for the day. The talk aims to provide students with a glimpse into the life of a military officer and to help them understand the commitment and dedication that is required to serve the nation.

The talk will focus on the unique experiences and challenges that are faced by individuals who choose a career in the armed forces. Wing Commander Vikrant Uniyal will share his experiences of serving the nation, and how it has shaped him as an individual. He will talk about the various aspects of life in the armed forces, including the rigorous training, and the sacrifices that are made in the line of duty.

Wing Commander Vikrant Uniyal’s talk is sure to be engaging and is expected to be highly informative and inspiring. Students considering a career in the armed forces will understand the challenges and opportunities that come with life in the armed forces. We hope that students will find the session to be of great value.

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