Students at Quantum University Left the Audience Spellbound with their One-Act Play: Mahishasur Mardini

Students at Quantum University performed a One-Act Play: Mahishasur Mardini with elaborate costumes, masks, and multicolored props to captivating music by drums and wind instruments. Students of the theatre club of the University beautifully showcased the act about Mahishasura – a bovine asura in Hinduism. He is depicted in literature to be a deceitful demon that pursued his evil ways by shape-shifting. He was ultimately killed by goddess Durga with her Trishula (trident) after which she gained the epithet Mahishasuramardini (“Slayer of Mahishasura”).

The dance-drama was based on the popular myth of Mahishasura Mardini, where Goddess Kali defeats Mahishasura, the demon king. Students wore attires and portrayed characters from mythology. It was a visual delight for the audience as they were amazed to see the sight of Maa Kali slaying the demon Mahishasura. Their excitement shot up, simultaneously and lead to an outstanding performance by the students. In order to excel in the field of study, Quantum University encourages its students to pursue their passions while studying.

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