Department of Mechanical Engineering Brings You a Workshop on “Design Now” at Quantum University

The Department of Mechanical Engineering, Quantum University, Roorkee is conducting a Design Now workshop on 14th October 2022 to provide the students with an overview of the design process and what it takes to create an innovative product. It’s a training program designed for students interested in designing products and prototypes aimed at building design skills among the students so that they can become efficient in their future careers as Industrial Designers.

Students will be trained in digital product design using Fusion 360 and work on a challenging project after the training. The objective of this entire workshop is to provide an opportunity for students to convert their Conceptual Ideas into Digital Products with the help of Autodesk Fusion 360.

As a result of the design now challenge, the top teams will be selected to participate in the National Level Design Challenge “India Design Week -2023” We hope this workshop will fulfill its motive to equip students with the skills required to take on the world of design, which can lead to a career in mechanical engineering.

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