Quantum University Presents Drone Technology Workshop for its Engineering Students

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Quantum University, Roorkee is organizing a workshop on Drone Technologies. The guest speaker of the program is Mr. Anuj Sharma, Head of Engineering and Flight Operations, Johnnette Technologies, and Quantum University, Alumni who will head the workshop.

The session is divided into two parts – In the first session, Mr. Anuj will elaborate on the topic and opportunities that are prevailing in the sector of drone technology. He will teach the students about the IMU technology which detects the current acceleration rate and various purposes where it can be used as a multifunctional technology. In the ending session, Mr speaker will throw some light upon the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) which is an aircraft without any human pilot, crew, or passengers on board.

Our students from B.Tech CS, and Mechatronics will gain knowledge about drone technology as they will get an opportunity to practically witness and use it by themselves. As we plan to bring Drone programming into the classroom we are sure our students will get well equipped with this technology.

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