“624 students received degrees in various programs in which 12 Gold, 7 Silver and 4 Bronze”
Quantum University, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, witnessed its First Convocation Ceremony with a solemn event, on Saturday 27th of November, 2021 on the University campus. In the ceremony, a total of 624 students received their degrees in various programs, in which 12 Gold, 7 Silver, and 4 Bronze Medals were awarded. Mr. Rakshit Tandon was awarded the Honoris Causa Degree for outstanding work both nationally and internationally, in the field of Cyber Security. On this prestigious occasion, the message of the Honourable Governor of Uttarakhand, Mr. Gurmit Singh recited with good wishes. The Guests of Honours H.E. Dr. Roger Gopaul, Higher Commissioner of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to India, and Dr. Vishal Talwar, Director, IMT, Ghaziabad, also graced the occasion.

The Ceremony began with the solemn academic procession, followed by the lamp lighting, by the honorable dignitaries. Honorable Shri Ajay Goyal Ji, Chancellor of Quantum University, declared the formal Convocation Ceremony open.
Quantum University organized the First Convocation Ceremony with lots of excitement, followed by the welcome speech and presentation of the University’s report by Honourable Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Vivek Kumar. In his report, the Vice-Chancellor described the development of Quantum University, Roorkee, in the past years. He mentioned that this is the First Convocation Ceremony of Quantum University and this is a very prestigious and prideful moment for the whole family of Quantum University.

On this occasion, a total of 624 students received their degrees: – 6 M.Tech. (Thermal Engineering), 2 M.Tech. (Structural Engineering), 1 M.Tech. CSE, 22 MCA (LEET), 35 BCA, 22 Diploma CE, 11 Diploma CSE, 13 Diploma EE, 21 Diploma ME, 8 M.Sc. (N & D), 17 B.Sc. (N & D), 85 Diploma in Pharmacy, 49 MBA, 66 BBA, 57 B.Com., 18 B.A. (Hons.) Journalism and Mass Communication, 3 B.Sc. (Hons.) Economics, 4 B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics, 4 B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry, 10 B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics, 4 Certificate in Hotel Management, 157 B.VOC. in Automotive Manufacturing Technology, 2 Advance Diploma in Automotive Manufacturing Technology, 1 Diploma in Automotive Manufacturing Technology, and 6 Post-Graduate Diploma in Maritime Management students. The efforts and achievements of all the students were recognized and rewarded.
The Convocation Ceremony had esteemed dignitaries in the event including Honourable Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Guests of Honours, Members of Board of Trustees, Members of Board of Governors, Board of Management and Academic Council of the University, Professors of IIT, Roorkee, Principles from reputed schools, Industry Associates & Collaborators of Quantum University and Journalists along with students and parents.
In the Convocation Ceremony, Mr. Rakshit Tandon was awarded the Honoris Causa Degree for outstanding work both Nationally and Internationally in the field of Cyber Security. He is a Director of HackDev Technology Pvt. Ltd. and Co-Founder of HACKERSHALA and CODESNAG. Ms. Vishakha Garg, of B.A. (Hons.) Economics was awarded Chancellor’s Medal for all-around excellence in academic performance and extracurricular activities. A total of 24 students had received 12 Gold Medals, 7 Silver Medals, and 4 Bronze Medals under various courses.
The Convocation Ceremony was held at the University’s permanent campus at Roorkee, in Shyam Ji Auditorium. Before the opening of the ceremony, the arrival of guests started at 10:00 am. Then, firstly the inauguration of Martyrs Wall happened. Everyone paid tribute to the 14 patriots from Uttarakhand who served for the country and sacrificed their lives. Everyone saluted their pride and bravery.
Then, the event was continued with Saraswati Vandana and the rendition of the Kulgeet of Quantum University and this was followed by the showing of Honourable Governor of Uttarakhand’s message.
The Ceremony was extended by the conferment of the Honoris Causa Degree to Mr. Rakshit Tandon and followed by the awarding of all the Medallists through Honourable Guests of Honour. Then, Prof. (Dr.) Rakesh Premi and Prof. (Dr.) Gulshan Chauhan, Deans of Quantum School of Business and Quantum School of Technology, together presented the degrees of recipients, followed by the signing of the Scrolls of degrees by the honorable Chancellor.
The Ceremony was extended with the introduction and speech of honorable Guests of Honour Dr. Vishal Talwar, Director, IMT, Ghaziabad, and H.E. Dr. Roger Gopaul, Higher Commissioner of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to India. They commended the Vice-Chancellor, Deans, faculty, staff, and students of Quantum University. They said that in his long career, they had observed many educational institutions at close quarters. They were happy to note that in such a short span Quantum University was training its students to become leaders in the fields of engineering, management, journalism, and other important programs.
The Convocation Ceremony was declared closed by respected Shri Ajay Goyal Ji, Chancellor of Quantum University, following which there was a stirring rendition of the National Anthem by all present. This formal and significant event in the life of the University was thus commemorated and celebrated in a manner befitting its importance.
On this auspicious occasion, it was observed that the students have lots of excitement after getting degrees and they also captured this memorable event on the selfie point and other places of University premises.