International Conference on 4th industrial revolution

A two-day online International Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution based on Technology and Practices (ICFIRTP) 2020 concluded successfully.

Quantum University organized a two-day online International Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution based on Technology and Practices (ICFIRTP) 2020 in association with IEEE UP Section, sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India and Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology, Uttarakhand under the Aegis of TEQIP-3 on 26th of March and 27th of March 2021. ICFIRTP 2020 aimed to provide a forum for researchers from both academia and industry to share their latest research contributions and exchange knowledge with the common goal of shaping a better future. In two days virtual conference, more than 400 research scholars participated from prestigious universities including Lincoln University, Malaysia, Amity University, Dubai, Banaras Hindu University, Galgotia University and many more.    

The conference provided various networking opportunities to all the involved stakeholders from the research domain. The conference had a range of activities varying from paper presentations, poster sessions, project demonstrations, speeches from prominent keynote speakers and industrial workshops. The entire event was divided into two segments, first the submission of the research paper till 20th March 2021 and the second was the paper presentation on 26th and 27th March 2021. The overall format of the research papers was mainly focused on three tracks. Track-1 comprised of future of Industrialisation, Track-2 had Era of Revolution and Track-3 had design, sustainability and innovation.   

On day one, Dr Vivek Kumar, Vice-Chancellor of the University and Dr Gulshan Chauhan, Director of Quantum School of Technology inaugurated the conference. In his inauguration speech, the Vice-Chancellor welcomed everyone and extend his warm wishes. The welcoming address was followed by the presentation of the researchers. On the second day, the program began with the welcome address delivered by Dr Gulshan Chauhan and continued with the speech of Keynote Speaker Prof. (Dr.) Mahesh Kumar. 

The conference proved to be very fruitful for all the attendees and was a great learning affair for all. 

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