Placements at Quantum University

Q-mates earned Qwiklab badge after the successful completion of the Google Cloud Foundation Course.

Students of Quantum University have successfully completed the ‘Google Cloud Foundation Course (GCP)’.  Through this program, they have gained a detailed overview of concepts covering cloud basics, big data and machine learning and where and how the Google Cloud Platforms fits in. The course helped student in understanding concepts and performing hands-on-training (via Qwiklabs platform) to practice the learning. Students of BTech, BCA and MCA have completed the Qwicklab Quest and have received Qwicklab badges to present their GCP skills.     

After reviewing the performance of students of Quantum University, Google course coordinator sent an appreciation mail to the university which said, “your institution has been exceptional in the Google Cloud Computing Foundation Program and we would love to have your students become part of our intermediate program called – Career Readiness Program.”

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