Quantum University

Quantum University, Roorkee to reopen in a phased manner from January 4.

After a nearly nine-month lockdown in institutions for higher education due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Quantum University will reopen its premises in the first week of January. The university will open in a phased manner using a variety of protective measures. The offline classes for the first-year students at the campus will begin from 4th of January and for the rest of the students from 15th January. 

According to the notification released by the University, no social gathering will be allowed in academic blocks and other parts of the university. Wearing masks and following social distancing norms will be mandatory for everyone at the campus. Each day before coming on to campus, students, faculty and staff will be required to complete the university’s short online health screening to certify anyone is not symptomatic, have no fever and have not had contact with any individual who has tested positive for COVID-19.

 While highlighting the preparations made by the university, an official said, “All the necessary preparations like rigorous campus sanitization and setting up of medical desk at the entrance have already been done. Reconfiguring of classrooms, learning spaces and common areas to support physical distancing has also been done.” To this, he added, “We have installed hand sanitizer stations, one-way systems and new plans for our rooms and facilities to ensure we keep our students and staff safe. We will record details of people visiting our libraries and catering facilities in line with government guidance. There will be increased levels of cleaning, with a focus on key touch points, such as door handles, handrails and communal areas. We will leverage our world-renowned strengths in the science of learning by making investments in creative curricula and technological infrastructure.” 

A limited number of hostels have also been opened for the students. Students coming to stay in the hostel will be quarantined for 7 days. On-campus health and counselling services will also be provided to the students. A special medical facility has also been set up for students and staff to deal with any emergency situation.  

“At Quantum University, we are committed to the safety of our students and staff. We are monitoring the news about COVID-19 and working with our local health officials to keep our campus safe. We are actively working to develop protocols, procedures and technology-based tools to prepare for students arriving on campus. All our decisions will be rooted in science, driven by data and informed by the guidance of public health experts and government officials” said, Vivek Kumar, Vice-Chancellor of the University. 

While giving a message to the students of Quantum University, Chancellor, Ajay Goyal said, “After so many days, it will be a true delight to welcome all of our students back to the campus again. The welfare of our students and staff is at the heart of everything we do at the university. We will continue to work with partners to minimise risks and make the return of students as safe as possible for everyone.”

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