Exhibition at Quantum University

Q-mates showcased their talent in Creative Art Exhibition.

To provide a platform for showcasing their talent, creative art club of Quantum University organised a creative art exhibition for Q-mates. The exhibition featured only handcrafted and handmade items of talented students.

In front of the central library of the university, all the stalls were set where students exhibited their products such as beautifully painted pottery, alluring paintings, handcrafted jewellery, decorated candles, house decor items, knick-knacks and more. The event featuring the finest craft artists attracted a huge crowd which browsed the work of the students for hours. The audience was mesmerised by the beautifully handcrafted items and appreciated the innovative thoughts and ideas of the students. At the end of the event, Vice-Chancellor, Dr Vivek Kumar also applauded for the handmade treasure of students. It was an enjoyable and gala event for the Q-mates.

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