Quantum University Organized a Workshop on ‘Process of Patenting and Development’

The Department of Hospitality and Tourism recently organized an informative workshop on the ‘Process of Patenting and Development’. The workshop was aimed at helping the students understand the intricacies involved in protecting intellectual property, starting from the initial idea to the final patent application.

The workshop was graced by the presence of a renowned guest speaker, Dr. Saras Verma, who provided a comprehensive overview of the patenting process. She guided the students through the various steps involved, including conducting prior art searches, drafting patent claims, and navigating the application process.

The workshop was highly interactive, and the students were encouraged to ask questions and seek clarification on any doubts they had. The session provided valuable insights and practical advice to help the students succeed in the competitive world of intellectual property.

Overall, the workshop was a great success, and the students found it to be extremely informative and insightful. The Department of Hospitality and Tourism is committed to providing such learning opportunities to its students and looks forward to organizing more such workshops in the future.

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