Quantum University Presents Guest Lecture on “Launching of 5G Services”

Telecom is the gateway and the foundation of Digital India. With the inauguration of the “New digital Universe” under PM Modi’s launch of 5G, a Guest lecture is scheduled on 28th November from 3 pm onwards at Quantum University. With an aim to showcase unique opportunities emerging from the rapid adoption and spread of digital technology, the event will be presided over by the guest speaker Dr. Akhilesh Verma, Sr Eng (R&D) Bhumi Entech Equipments Pvt Ltd.

Through this lecture, students will be able to understand the new digital 5G technology that can be used to connect with a whole range of different devices, such as drones and sensors. 5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology which will provide higher speed, lower latency, and greater capacity than 4G LTE networks.

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