Quantum University

An alumni interaction program was organised for MBA 3rd sem students.

A lively alumni interaction was organised at the university campus, where Mr Rishab Agarwal and Mr Udit Sharma shared their experience with the 3rd-semester students of MBA. Alumni gave several invaluable tips on how to prepare for interviews and how to meet the expectations of the company.
The program started with an introductory session, where alumni shared their job profile.

Mr Udit Sharma shared his invaluable knowledge with the Q-mates and gave them several pieces of advice for the preparation of job interviews like analyzing the job description, examining the organisation’s website and gathering important information about the organization. He said, “take the interview as an opportunity to demonstrate your work ethics and skills”. He further added, “try to demonstrate that you are really interested in the job by being well- prepared for the interview”.

‘Mr Rishab Agarwal while describing the expectations of the company from the employees said, “ your employers will always expect you to be honest, to conduct yourself professionally, and to be punctual”. The interaction was concluded with the question-answer session where existing students asked questions from the alumni which were answered efficiently.

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