World Environment Day : An Expert Talk was Conducted by Quantum University on “Evaluating the Ethical Considerations of Sustainable Living and Consumer Choices”

On the occasion of World Environment Day, the Department of Civil Engineering at Quantum University hosted an enlightening expert talk. The event featured Er. Sakshi Sharma, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, spoke on the crucial topic of “Evaluating the Ethical Considerations of Sustainable Living and Consumer Choices.”

The session aimed to delve into the complex interplay between ethical decision-making, sustainable lifestyles, and consumer behavior. Er. Sakshi Sharma provided a thorough exploration of how individual and collective choices affect the environment, emphasizing the importance of making informed and responsible decisions in our daily lives.

She discussed the various ethical dilemmas people face when trying to live sustainably, such as the trade-offs between convenience and environmental impact, and the influence of consumerism on our natural resources. By examining real-world examples and case studies, she illustrated how seemingly small changes in our habits can lead to significant positive outcomes for the planet.

The talk also highlighted the role of civil engineers and other professionals in promoting sustainable practices and developing infrastructure that supports eco-friendly living. Er. Sharma encouraged students and attendees to consider the long-term effects of their choices and to advocate for policies and practices that prioritize sustainability.

Overall, the event offered valuable insights and practical guidance on how to integrate ethical considerations into our lifestyle choices, fostering a deeper understanding of our responsibility to the environment. The session not only educated attendees about the importance of sustainable living but also inspired them to take proactive steps towards a greener future.

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