Congratulations!!! Q-Mates for getting placed at Smart Data Enterprises with an 8 LPA salary package.
SmartData is a global leader in software consulting and technology integrations. With 20+ years of experience and offices in three countries, they offer business integrator services to startups and small to medium enterprises. Their focus is on healthcare, B2B, B2C, & B2B2C platforms, online delivery services, video platform services, and IT services. They specialize in Microsoft, LAMP stack, MEAN/MERN stack, and mobile app development with AI & ML integration.
Quantum University wishes all the selected students Anand Raj, Arpita Kumari, Harshita, Kajal Kumari, Rahul Kaushal, Kirti Malik, Tarun Panwar, and Suraj Kumar Singh of BTech and Saumya Rai and Shivam of MCA good luck for their bright future.