Quantum University Roorkee hosted a motivational talk titled “Armed Forces, not a Career, its Life” on 15th March in association with The Genesis- QUIC. The event featured Wing Commander Vikrant Uniyal the guest speaker who is a highly decorated officer of the Indian Air Force (IAF).

Vikrant Uniyal shared his insights on serving the country and the values that define the armed forces during his talk. He spoke about the challenges and sacrifices and how they are outweighed by the sense of purpose and pride that comes with serving one’s country.

The talk was attended by students, faculty, and staff members and was highly appreciated. He further opened the platform for a Q&A round where future aspirants got a chance to directly interact with him. Quantum University’s commitment to providing its students with diverse perspectives and experiences was evident at the event. Sir, thank you for sharing your experiences with our students and inspiring them to become brave army officers like you.