A Guest Lecture was organized on 14th December 2022 to celebrate National Energy Conservation Day. Department of Civil Engineering Quantum University, Roorkee conducted the lecture by inviting Dr. Mahua Mukherjee, Ph.D., Fullbright Fellow Professor, Department of Agriculture & Planning Joint Faculty and Ex-Head, Center of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation and Management, IIT Roorkee, who talked about the seriousness of the topic.

Dr. Mukherjee focused on making students aware of global warming and climate change and promoting efforts toward saving energy resources. She also highlighted the achievements of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (B.E.E.) in the fields of energy efficiency and conservation. The guest spoke about the importance of appropriate usage of electricity and other ways to conserve energy. She highlighted that Energy conservation is a conscious, individual effort, and at a macro level, it leads to energy efficiency. The end goal is to reach sustainable energy.

Toward the end of the program, the guest was confident in conveying the message to the audience on energy conservation and efficiency. The program turned out to be engaging, fruitful, and meaningful.