Quantum University Conducts An ERP Session for the Freshers

At Quantum University, freshers had the opportunity to participate in an enlightening session on “Introduction to ERP,” led by Mr. Himanshu Tyagi and Mr. Naseem. The session was designed to familiarize new students with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), a crucial tool that integrates various business processes, automates routine tasks, and enhances data sharing across departments for improved efficiency.

During the session, the speakers broke down complex ERP concepts into understandable terms, making it easy for students to grasp the importance of this system in their academic and administrative activities. They also guided students on practical aspects such as tracking their fee payments, checking examination results, and managing other essential information through the ERP portal.

This informative session not only equipped students with the knowledge they need to use the ERP system effectively but also ensured they feel confident in navigating the university’s digital resources as they embark on their academic journey.

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