An online Guest Lecture was held on the “Commercial Seed Production” which was conducted by the School of Agricultural Studies, Quantum University, Roorkee, and hosted by Dr. Avinash Varma via a Zoom Meeting. It was a one-hour guest lecture that was commenced with welcoming the guest Dr. Rajinder Kumar, Plant Breeder, Abhimanyu Seeds Pvt. Ltd., Meerut Road, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh.

More than 200 students from the Department of Agriculture Studies actively participated in the guest lecture and enjoyed gaining knowledge from the expert. The lecture was very informative and highlighted the important steps of commercial seed production. The lecture was presented adequately through a PowerPoint presentation by deeply focusing on each point. After the completion of the lecture, the queries of the students were answered one by one by the Guest Speaker.
Students learned about different phases in commercial seed production. They got to know the steps that are required for the production of seeds. They got detailed information on types of seeds like – Nucleus seed, Breeder’s seed, Foundation seed, Certified seed, and Truthfully Labeled seed. Foundation seed is used as a base for commercial seeds. They learned the importance of nourishment of the embryo, dispersal to a new location, and dormancy during unfavorable conditions. The online guest lecture turned out to be beneficial for all the students as the session was informative and full of optimism.