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Quantum University


The primary aim of IQAC is -


  1. Enhanced Clarity and Focus: The audit ensures clarity and focus by providing a structured approach to improving institutional functioning. It identifies areas that require attention and streamlines activities toward quality enhancement.
  2. Internalization of Quality Culture: By conducting the audit, Quantum University promotes the internalization of a quality culture throughout the institution. This means that everyone from faculty to staff to students becomes actively involved in striving for excellence.
  3. Coordination and Institutionalization of Best Practices:The audit promotes coordination among various activities within the institution. It identifies and institutionalizes best practices, ensuring their consistent implementation across different departments and units.
  4. Informed Decision-Making: The audit provides a solid basis for decision-making by offering valuable insights into the institution's functioning. It helps leaders and administrators make informed choices and implement effective strategies to improve institutional performance.
  5. Dynamic System for Quality Changes: The audit serves as a dynamic system that enables continuous quality improvement within Quantum University. It allows for ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation of practices to keep up with evolving standards and requirements in higher education.
  6. Organized Methodology of Documentation and Communication: Through the audit, Quantum University establishes an organized methodology for documentation and internal communication. This ensures that information flows

efficiently within the institution, supporting collaboration and informed decision-making processes.